Reliable and Secured
Webcampak to assist in the operation of one or more D-SLR cameras during a long term timelapse cameras.
Main Features
- Support most Canon and Nikon D-SLR cameras
- Support JPG and RAW capture
- Variable capture rates (different capture frequency based on day of the week and/or hour of the day)
- On-the-fly picture manipulation (rotate, crop, zoom, resize, watermark, text)
- Send pictures via FTP
- Multi-users web interface with different level of permissions
- Multi-webcampak centralization
- Automated Video creation
- … plus many other
Webcampak history
Webcampak initially started in 2009 as a one-off small project but seing its potential, it progressively grew towards a much more complete and scalable solution.
- January 2010, we release a first version of our configuration panel
- April 2010, we add a client interface to view pictures
- June 2010, new version of the configuration panel
- January 2011, revamped version of the configuration panel
- October 2012, webcampak 2.0, bringing end client and configuration interface together into a scalable cloud platform
- Summer 2015, webcampak 3.0, major upgrade with big-data support for improved reporting